Organizational Representative Payee Program
We offer payee services and financial education for individuals receiving benefits from government and private groups who are disabled, suffering from illness or addiction, or are unable to manage their funds.
Starting in the fall of 2015 Family Financial Education Foundation, based in Evanston, WY has been designated as a Social Security Administration approved representative payee company for individuals in need of Social Security, Veterans Affairs, or pension fund management and representation because of age, illness, addiction or physical or mental disability.
FFEF has offered financial representation to clients nationwide since 1995 and is well prepared to offer this service as a regional provider for the Representative Payee Program.
This program is certified by the Social Security Administration. Individuals may be referred by their health care providers, case managers, or guardians. Individuals may also directly request our services.
Our representatives develop a close working relationship with clients and their social service case managers or advocates and their creditors and other agencies.
Getting Started with the program
1. Upon referral, we will review your situation and offer a free consultation on your options through our payee services.
2. Once accepted into the program we will review your monthly finances, create a budget, and develop a plan to meet your financial responsibilities and set up a bill payment program.
3. We work directly with the client and caseworker or advocate to develop short-term and long-term financial goals and address any questions or concerns along the way.
4. Social Security, pension, or disability checks are then sent directly to your Payee account at FFEF.
5. FFEF works within the financial budget of your plan to assure that basic needs for food, shelter and clothing are taken care of.
6. Utilities, insurance, medical and other bills are paid directly from the Program. FFEF representatives become the liaison with landlords, creditors, and other bill pay accounts.
7. Money is accessible from the account as needed by the client for additional expenses.
8. We provide annual reports to social security and quarterly account reports to the client.
9. We offer regular financial education information to clients in the form of monthly newsletters, social media, and online books and other resources.
10. Fees for the payee program are based on amounts set by the Social Security Administration. Current fees are $41/month (subject to change).