Yard Work Doesn’t End with Summer

While it’s true you don’t have to mow and water and rake once the cold winds start to blow, there are some things you should remember to do to prevent unnecessary expense when things warm up again.

  • Store or cover your outdoor furniture, toys, and barbecue grill.
  • Caulk any joints and minor cracks on exterior walls or in your siding.
  • Look for deteriorating paint and finishes and patch minor problems to preserve the wood. Save the bigger jobs like scraping and repainting for the spring or early summer.
  • Drain and shut off your sprinkler system and any other exterior water lines to prevent frozen and broken pipes. Leave the outdoor taps slightly open.
  • Inspect your roof for loose, damaged, or missing shingles or tiles.
  • Make sure piles of firewood don’t touch siding or exterior wood. It’s an open invitation for termites and carpenter ants to enter your house.

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