Tips for Staying Physically Healthy to Help You Stay Financially Healthy

A recent survey from the American Psychological Association shows that 80% of Americans are attributing anything from headaches to heart disease to the stress caused by the current economy. More than half of Americans find themselves lying awake at night worrying. The unfortunate thing is that these kinds of health problems also take a toll on your financial health. The key to keeping stress from harming your health lies in finding a positive outlet. Here are a few, simple ways to help you save money and save your health.

1. To save money, eat out less often and cook at home using simple, fresh foods. To maintain a healthy heart, avoid salty, fatty foods.

2. Laugh more. Research shows that good, healthy laughter helps suppress stress-related hormones. So even if you don’t really feel like it, find something to laugh about.

3. Don’t shortcut your healthcare. Not visiting the doctor when you’re ill or reducing your medication dose to cut costs won’t help your health and will cost you more money in the long run. Ask your doctor about pharmaceutical companies that offer lower-cost prescription programs.

4. If you have to drop your gym membership to reduce costs, don’t drop your exercise. Take walks in the neighborhood or go swimming at the community pool. Try to exercise for 30 to 60 minutes every day.

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5. Avoid comfort foods. If you’re one of many Americans who overeat or resort to unhealthy snacks when the stress levels rise, try chewing gum. Studies have demonstrated that chewing gum reduces stress and snacking.

6. Check your blood pressure. Many pharmacies, including those in grocery stores, have blood pressure cubicles where you can check your blood pressure for free. Regular checks will help you keep it under control.

7. Renew your interest or find new interest in the arts. Listen to music with your eyes closed and breathe slowly. Visit an art gallery during lunch or on the weekend. Spend fifteen minutes a day with a good book.

All of these will help give your mind a break from worrying about daily life.