Increase Your Holiday Savings Fund

If you find it hard to save a little cash for gift giving, try these ideas.

1. Treat saving like a bill. Pay it out of every paycheck.

2. Think small. Cut out a fast-food lunch or a restaurant dinner once a week and brown-bag it instead.

3. Turn off the television. Advertisements can be tempting so avoid listening to them as much as you can.

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4. Try a different mode of travel. If your town has good public transportation, try getting around without a car. If you can’t do it every day, try a couple of days a week.

5. If you don’t read, don’t buy. Don’t renew subscriptions to magazines and newspapers that you hardly ever read. Your local library has copies of them all so a once-a-week trip to the library can catch you up.

6. Coffee give-me-up. No, you don’t have to stop drinking coffee, just stop buying it from the coffee shop. Brew your own at home. Even if you buy your favorite beans, it will still be cheaper than paying by the cup.