Energy-Saving Tips

Small, everyday habits can save a surprising amount of energy and help reduce your energy bills each month. Any amount of savings that go toward paying off any debts you have could be considered double the value. You’ll save money on your monthly bills, plus you’ll save money on the interest charged on your debts.


  • In warm weather, close all the windows and window coverings that face the sun to cut down on the amount of heat your home absorbs during the day. The sun heats not only the air in your home, but it also heats the walls, carpet, and furniture. Turning your air conditioner off during the day and then turning it to a low temperature when you get home to cool the house down actually makes your air conditioner work much harder. Try leaving it set at a moderate temperature during the day and then turning it a little lower when you get home. You will get better results. Setting the thermostat to 60 degrees to cool off a home that has been heating up all day will not cool your home down any faster, and it could cause your air conditioner to freeze up.
  • Adjust the vents in your home to make the most of the air flow to rooms that get used the most. If you have ceiling fans, use them. They cost very little to operate, and the moving air can make you feel cooler at warm temperatures.
  • Household fans can very effectively make the temperature more comfortable, but avoid using them at the same time as your air conditioner.
  • Plant shrubs or other plants that will shade your air conditioning unit if you have one outside. Make sure you keep any growth that might hinder the flow of air trimmed to keep the unit clean for proper air flow.

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  • You’ve probably been told many times to fix running toilets, dripping faucets, or other plumbing leaks as soon as possible. Yes, that’s right. Every drip out of your tap is costing you money. Leaky faucets can often be repaired simply by turning the water off under the sink, removing the faucet, changing the washer, and reconnecting the faucet. Shower heads can be fixed the same way. Make sure you replace the washers with the same size and type that you took out. You can avoid doing these repairs very often by being careful not to use excessive force when you turn off your taps.
  • Use cold water when you run your garbage disposal. It will not only save on your gas or electric bill, it also helps protect your disposal motor.
  • Avoid using the rinse-and-hold cycle on the dish washer, and run the dishwasher when it has a full load.
  • Preheat your oven for only five minutes when you cook, and turn the oven off a few minutes before the baking time is up. The oven will stay hot enough to finish cooking your meal. Likewise, turn the electric burners on your stove off a few minutes before cooking is complete. Food will continue to cook for a little while.
  • Wherever possible, use compact fluorescent bulbs rather than regular bulbs. fluorescent bulbs are much more energy efficient.
  • Microwave or use your outside barbecue when possible rather than using the oven during the hot weather. It will help prevent the oven from heating the house up.