Ways to Save on Baby Food

If you have babies in your household, you know how expensive it can be to provide nutritious food and good hygiene care. Did you also know that most baby food manufacturers supply coupons and ways to save on their websites? Below is a list of websites you can visit to find coupons and e-mail offers that help you save. You can search for more sites on the Internet.



Gerber Club

Gerber Baby Food

Beech Nut

Earth’s Best Baby Food

Your Sunday newspaper frequently has coupons for diapers, baby food, baby dishes and utensils, and various brands of baby formula. If you don’t take the paper, perhaps you could ask someone who does—a friend or family member—to save the coupons for you. Drugstores also send out circulars now with good savings on products. If you can’t find someone to save the coupons for you, you may be able to pick up copies of the circulars at the store itself. You can also ask the customer service department at your local grocery store if they have any special baby clubs. They may have money-back rebates when you purchase certain quantities of baby products.

Another good source for coupons for baby supplies is your pediatrician’s office. Next time you visit, ask about coupons or samples they have available.

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Tips for Making Your Own Baby Food

Did you know you can make your own baby food, and it is more nutritious and definitely less expensive than store-bought baby food? Parents often feel there must be something especially good about store-bought baby food from famous brands that justify the high price. Not true. There is nothing magical about baby food. Adult foods that are similar in consistency to baby foods are just as good, but cost much less. One jar of baby food carrots, for example, costs about the same as a whole pound of fresh carrots. Baby food in jars offers convenience, but you can find small plastic storage containers that work just as well and you can use them over and over again.

A really great method for storing homemade baby food is in the freezer. Freeze food that you puree, such as steamed vegetables and fruits, in ice cube trays. This way you will have pre-measured one-ounce portions of food. Just fill the trays and cover them with plastic wrap to freeze. After the food is frozen, remove the cubes from the tray and store them in plastic freezer bags marked with the date.

When you’re ready to thaw the food for eating, place the amount you need in the refrigerator. It will thaw in about four hours. Don’t thaw food at room temperature. If you need the food faster than four hours, you can thaw the food by placing the cubes in a small bowl and then placing the small bowl in a larger bowl that has hot water in it. This method takes about twenty minutes. If the pureed food is a little too thick for your baby, just add water or formula to the desired consistency.

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Rice with Apple and Squash Baby Food

1 squash – acorn, butternut, or other squash
1-2 cups cooked brown rice
1/2 cup applesauce

Cut squash in half and scoop out seeds. Place halves face down on a cooking sheet or pan and cover in an inch of water.

Bake at 400 degrees for 40 minutes or until skin detaches and meat is soft. Scoop meat from skin and place in a blender. Add applesauce and cooked rice and blend. Add water as necessary to achieve a smooth, thin consistency.

(Recipe found at www.wholesomebabyfood.com)