Free or Cheap Summer Activities for Kids

1. Start a scavenger hunt. This game adds an element of      competition; urgency and excitement to any day making it memorable.

2. Go camping – even if it’s just in the backyard.

3. Arrange a play date with friends or neighbors. Once you get enough children together, their imagination takes over and they’ll entertain themselves.

4. Visit the park and play Frisbee, soccer or hide-and-go-seek.

5. Arrange a bicycle ride with friends or neighbors to the nearest park.

6. Bake cookies, make lemonade and mini-popsicles with ice trays and juice, then have the kid’s sell them at a lemonade stand.

7. Hike in the mountains or a nearby forest with your kids or a group of friends.

8. Visit a wildlife rehabilitation sanctuary to watch how rescuers help local wildlife.

9. Learn origami. Make birds, animals and various objects, then finger-paint them using non-toxic paint.

10. Plant trees in the backyard. Use this experience to honor a loved one. Teach your children about the many functions of trees and how they benefit our environment.

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11. Join a local recreational center which offers affordable memberships and plenty of programs.

12. Make snow cones out of crushed ice. Add different flavors and serve friends.

13. Browse books at the library and read new stories together. Explain the story to your child in an age-appropriate manner.

14. Write letters to pen pals or distant relatives. Family members serving in the arm forces or grandparents will love to receive them.

15. Search for “free admission” days to the local museum, art gallery or zoo.

16. Encourage your kids and their friends to stage a play at home! They can write a script and make costumes out of old clothes. Then shoot home videos of them singing, dancing or just acting goofy. Share them with relatives and friends.

17. Make your own homemade board game like a trivia game. You don’t need to buy one – just prep questions ahead of time from the internet.

18. Fly kites. Don’t want to buy one? Have the kids make their own!

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