Tell-tale signs of a diploma mill

  • No Coursework, No Exams. Get a Degree for Your Experience. Diploma mills grant degrees for “work or life experience” alone. Accredited colleges may give a few credits for specific experience pertinent to a degree program, but not an entire degree.
  • No Attendance. Legitimate colleges or universities, including online schools, require substantial class time.
  • Flat Fee. Many diploma mills charge on a per-degree basis. Legitimate colleges charge by the credit, course, or semester, not a flat fee for an entire degree.
  • No Waiting. If an ad promises that you can earn a degree very quickly, it’s probably a diploma mill. Getting an education takes time.
  • Click Here to Order Now! Some diploma mills use aggressive sales tactics. Accredited colleges don’t use spam or high-pressure telemarketing to market themselves.

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