Ways to increase your credit score

A recent survey indicated that more people would be embarrassed to share their credit scores (30%) than their weight (12%). Here’s some tips to increase your credit score.

1. Dispute errors. Mistakes happen. You can dispute errors directly through the bureaus or throughout one of our Certified Credit Report Reviewers.

2. Negotiate. You can write a letter offering to pay the remaining balance of an account that went to collections, if the creditor is willing to report the account as “paid as agreed”. Get the creditor to agree in writing before you make the payment.

3. Check your limits. Make sure your reported credit limits are current vs. lower than they actually are. You don’t want it to look as though you’re maxing out the plastic each month.

4. Add your utility bills to your credit reports.  Assuming you pay your utility bills on time, you should add these to your credit reports right away.  The more positive information you have in your credit reports the better.  To include these accounts in your TransUnion credit report, sign up for eCredable Lift®.  To include these accounts in your Experian credit report, sign up for Experian Boost.

5. Get a credit card. Having one or two type of credit cards will do good things to your score – as longs as you pay your bills on time. In other words, be a responsible user of credit.

6. Become an authorized user. This means convincing a relative or friend to be added to his or her existing credit card account, especially if you’re a young person who has no history of poor credit use.

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7. Under-use your cards. The “credit utilization ratio” should be no more than 30% and ideally even less. 10% credit utilization ratio will “maximize this part of your FICO score.”

8. Raise your credit limit. Ask your creditors to increase your limit, but be careful: It works only if you can trust yourself not to increase your spending habits accordingly.

9. Don’t close any cards. Canceling a credit card will cause your available credit to drop, which increases your utilization ratio and lowers your credit score.

10. Mix it up. Using different kinds of credit can make for a modest boost to your score. For example, a small personal loan for a piece of furniture or appliance on installment, but only if you’re 100% sure you can and will meet the payment schedule.

11. Pay your bills on time. Seriously. Your payment makes up a whopping 35% of your FICO score. If you’re absent-minded or merely overwhelmed (Hi there, parents of young children!), then for heaven’s sake, automate your payments. Even better than paying on time is to…

12. Pay your bills twice a month. Using too much of your credit limit at any given moment doesn’t look good. Sure, you plan to pay in full by the end of the month – but until then it looks like you’re maxing out yet another card.