The Employee Payroll Tax Deferral is about to take effect — what it will mean for you.

On August 28th the IRS issued guidance for employers on how to handle the new pay role tax deferral mandate* by the Trump administration to help individuals affected by the COVID-19 shutdowns and an attempt to bolster the economy. The rules come about three weeks after Trump signed the action on August 8 giving workers a temporary tax holiday and a larger paycheck for the last four months of the year. Read the IRS statement here.

Because of the late guidance from the IRS, employers may or may not respond to the act immediately due to a lack of time to adjust accounting systems, or guidance on whether employees can opt out of the program. Many are waiting for additional guidance from the Treasury Department before they may any changes. It’s also not clear if this White House has the legal authority to shift the tax burden in this manner.

Under the mandate starting September 1, 2020 employers can stop collecting an employees share of social security taxes from employee paychecks making under $4000/bi-weekly or under $104,000/year for the next 4 months through December 31. The money that would normally be taken out will show up on your paystub as FICA, which stands for the Federal Insurance Contribution Act. White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow believes that it will give Americans an average increase of about $1,200 over the four-month period, but opponents point out that will do little for people who are currently unemployed or furloughed without a paycheck.

Unless Congress can pass an act to ‘terminate’ the tax liability, which is unlikely under the current atmosphere, the plan by the Treasury Department is to have employers increase the amount of social security taxes removed from employee paychecks for 4 months starting January 1, 2021 and ending April 30, 2021 so that employees pay back what they owe by the April filing date. That means that paychecks will be noticeably smaller starting in January.
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The plan is unclear on what happens if an employee stops working or is furloughed between January and April 2021, though the act allows companies to ‘make arrangements’ to otherwise collect the deferred taxes from the employee.

*As a note, this act is in relation to the CARES Act Payroll Deferral that was enacted in March 2020 which removed the obligated employer’s portion of the Social Security FICA tax through the end of 2020. Companies have until December 2021 to pay back their share of the tax. This new act is to remove the employee obligation for the tax.