Skills all college kids should have

Give Them Some Tools

While it’s not a bad idea to add a small hammer and screw driver set to your kid’s college bags, the tools they really need are solid life management and financial planning skills.

College kids are expected to live fairly independently and that means there is no longer a parent ‘maid’ or ‘secretary’ around to take care of things like cooking, laundry and organization. Start teaching your kids while they’re young how to care for themselves, their clothing and other personal items, how to prepare basic healthy meals, and how to organize and manage a personal schedule. Below is a list of 15 things all young adults should know by the time they reach the end of high school.

  • Basic first aid and how to care for themselves when they are sick
  • Personal safety on and off campus
  • Safety on social media and the internet
  • How to do their laundry
  • How to grocery shop on a budget
  • How to make a variety of basic meals using safe food preparation and storage
  • Basic home and vehicle repair, cleaning and maintenance
  • How to use public transit systems
  • Proper study and time management skills
  • Ways to manage stress and self-care
  • Basic social etiquette and conversation skills
  • How to make a professional phone call, letter or email, and apply for a job
  • How to budget, save, and pay bills
  • How to use credit appropriately
  • A basic understanding of adult financial skills like paying taxes, buying insurance, and the importance of investments like retirement savings

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So many kids on college and university campuses these days are missing one or many of these vital skills to survive in the adult world. Many colleges have even begun offering classes on these basic life skills just to help unprepared students cope with their new living situation and fill that gap in their education. With a little time and preparation your child doesn’t have to be one of those . Here is a link to another great article on preparing kids with basic adulting skills.