Tips for “Black Friday” Shopping

We all know Black Friday offers the best holiday season shopping deals, but they only come to those who are prepared, in the right place, and at the right time. Follow us the next few days, we will be sharing -Tips for ‘Black Friday’ shopping- to help you make the most of the sales and discounts.

  • Use Debit Instead of Credit. — A debit card automatically forces you to spend only what you have, and allows you to avoid paying interest.
  • Know Your Budget. — And make it non-negotiable: $10 means $10, not $12.
  • Make a List. — What items are you looking for?  Who are you shopping for?  Put a list together of exactly everything you plan to buy.
  • Pre-Shop. — Do some research before you hit the stores; get coupons, call around and go online to find better deals.
  • Have a plan? — Many stores only have a small quantity of their biggest deals that sell out fast. Find out when the store allows you to start to line up.
  • Consider more than holiday gifts. — This is a great time to buy an item you’ve been wanting like a new computer or a TV (assuming you can afford it of course).
  • Don’t lose your temper.  Expect stores to be crowded and tempers to be short. Do your best not to be one of them.  Remember, its only stuff that’s getting bought.
  • Don’t forget the Gift Receipt. — A gift receipt facilitates the easy return and exchange of products. A proof of purchase which omits key information, including the price paid.
  • Cyber Monday. — Is a great alternative if you don’t want to deal with Black Friday shopping, you don’t have to leave your house, neither deal with crowds.

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