New Year Financial Planning Tips

1. Review last year. 
Life is continually in flux and change can have a profound impact on your financial plans. For example, during the past year did you get married or divorced, have a child, suffer a death in the family, change jobs, or change short-term or long-term goals? Plan based on all those new changes.

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2. Reduce debt.
Resolve to lower your debt this year. As interest rates rise, every dollar of accumulated debt becomes a heavier and heavier drag on your entire financial life. Family Financial can help you establish a plan to reach a debt free life.
3. Set clear goals.
Setting specific, realistic goals—and writing them down—is such a powerful tool for realizing them. It not only clarifies what you have to do financially to achieve the goals, it motivates you to achieve them within a specific timeline. Saving for something provides much more financial incentive than just saving 10 or 15 percent of your monthly pay.
4. Discuss the goals with your family.
Include your spouse, your children, if they’re old enough, or other loved ones who might be affected by your goals. They can help you clarify the goals, motivate you to make changes, and aid in their achievement.

Find greater goal setting tips on our web site,
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