Financial Tips for a Happy Marriage

Maintain separate bank accounts. Take our advice. Having a separate bank account will help you avoid arguments. You can both have money while not feeling you have to check with your spouse every time you make a purchase. Your will eliminate bounced checks too!

Spend less than you earn. Don’t bet on your future earnings. Avoid debt. Compare prices for everything, from electronics to furniture; and if you are handy, try to handle most of the home projects yourself.

Don’t keep up with the Joneses. Impressing others shouldn’t be part of your decision making for purchases. Your neighbors move away anyway, and you’re just left with the credit card debt from trying to keep up.

Save for the future. Your priority should be retirement and children’s education. But don’t forget to plan for emergencies. Be more inclined to save than spend. Saving for fun and family times is also important.

Do not eat out very often. Enjoy cooking and teach your kids to enjoy fresh, home-cooked food. This happens to be a big money saver. Make your best celebrations around your own dining table.

Avoid sneaky/secret purchases. Even when you have separate accounts, before coming home with a major purchase, talk it over with your spouse. -Secret purchase = Guaranteed conflict.

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Meet at least once a year with a financial counselor. Having a third party help you make financial decisions takes the heat out of any money disagreements. In addition, keeping a regular check on your financial plans helps you avoid getting too far off track.

Agree on what you both value financially. Be willing to spend more time as a family; also, spend your money on home improvements and educational opportunities rather than going out on the town or buying fancy clothes.

Work together against obstacles and toward a common goal.
Compete with the economy, but don’t compete with your spouse. See yourselves as being on the same team.

Every couple is different, and their financial strategies may be as well. Don’t let money keep you from a blissful marriage. Let it be just another tool to live your dream lives together.

Find other greater goal setting financial tips on our web site, If you would like to talk to a counselor today! Give us a call at (877) 789-4206