Feel the Peace of the Season

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and lose focus on such mundane things as a spending budget. We often tell ourselves, “After all, Christmas only comes along once a year,” and before we know it, we are so far overspent it will take most of next year to make up for our purchases. While creating a gift-giving budget may sound Scrooge-like, the exact opposite is actually true. Really giving some thought to how you can celebrate the season with meaningful gift-giving that won’t cause you financial stress can make the season more, not less, enjoyable.

Not everyone has the creative skills of Martha Stewart, and handmade gifts may not work for everyone on your list, but with a little thought you can create great gifts without hurting your wallet.

1. Arrange a nice selection of inexpensive items in a basket and add a bow (you can often find baskets for very little money at thrift stores). Give the items a theme—hair care goods, kitchen items, socks, car care, etc. Shop at bulk goods outlets and split your items into several gifts.

2. Combine homemade goods like chocolate chip cookies with a purchased item such as a holiday platter. You can create a very appealing gift for a reasonable price. Make sure your baked-goods ingredients don’t become too expensive. Again, a batch of cookies can make several gifts if you divide them into gifts of 6, 8, or 12 cookies.

3. Some elderly family members or friends or those with young children may appreciate your time more than an expensive gift. Take elderly loved ones out for a walk or picnic dinner/lunch or help run errands. Any mom or dad with young children will welcome a few hours of free time. Offer to baby-sit and make the gift extra special by letting the parents return to a clean home.

4. Avoid going overboard when giving young children holiday gifts. The short attention spans of young children means individual gifts receive only fleeting attention. Children are often the most happy with a homemade gift. A lovingly crafted stuffed toy, wooden pull-along, room decoration, or article of clothing can become a treasured memory.

5. Plan ahead to determine the needs of those on your list and start shopping in June instead of trying to complete your shopping all at once.

If you are one of those lucky enough to have a gathering of family or friends on the big day:

  • If possible, share a ride to the family gathering with a relative.
  • If you’re having the guests at your home, prepare the food yourself instead of buying items already made, or ask your guests to share in bringing the food.
  • If you’re preparing the meal, save time and money by cooking similar items together.
  • Make your own wreaths and decorations.

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