Saving Tips for your Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving is one of the most beloved American holidays, but it can also be one of the most expensive. To prepare yourself and your wallet for this holiday, follow us the next few days, we will be sharing tips to ensure your Thanksgiving dinner is a success (without breaking the bank).

  1. Get an accurate head count. Thanksgiving dinner is usually followed by days of leftovers. Determine how many guests you expect in advance so you can create a more accurate menu and shopping list. Then, plan and stick to a budget.
  2. Organize a potluck. The first question friends and family usually ask when invited to any dinner party is, “What can I bring?” Don’t be embarrassed to answer. It’ll be cheaper and significantly less work for you.
  3. Keep an eye on local deals. Local newspapers often post updated lists the weeks before Thanksgiving on food prices at various grocers. Mobile apps are also great for monitoring price changes while on the go.
  4. Choose one meat. For many, turkey is obligatory on Thanksgiving. What isn’t essential, however, is ham, lamb, and prime rib. Save money by simply choosing turkey or another type of meat for your family’s feast.
  5. Buy in bulk. If you’re going to host a large group, take advantage of bulk deals at grocery stores or make a trip to a warehouse retailer for nonperishable items such as alcohol or canned foods.
  6. Shop around for your turkey. It’s the centerpiece of the table to be sure, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get creative to save some money. Opt for a grocery store turkey, which will cost about $2 a pound, and for an even better deal.
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  8. Know price matching policies. Find out if there are any stores nearby that will match advertised prices from competitors. Do your shopping there – just don’t forget to bring your coupons.
  9. Balance your side dishes. Whipping up a bowl of mashed potatoes is cheaper than cooking a seven-layer sweet potato casserole. And serve the essentials (green beans, stuffing, and cranberry sauce).
  10. Skip appetizers. Your guests are not going to starve if you skip it. The cost of appetizers is just not necessary on this day of excess.
  11. Create your own decorations. There’s no need to spend excessively on table accents. Check out photo sharing sites for a number of festive, easy to execute ideas.