Ways to Lower Your Medical Debt

FACTS about Medical Debt, but also WAYS to help you lower that medical debt

FACT 1:  According to federal statistics, about 75 million adults in the U.S. experience problems with medical bills — and more than half of those individuals were contacted last year by a collection agency for unpaid medical debts.

FACT 2: A recent study by the Federal Reserve found that the great majority of medical debts on Americans’ credit reports – more than 85% of them – are for bills less than $500.

FACT 3: Sky-high medical debt often drives people into bankruptcy. But even smaller medical bills can impact one’s credit. So it’s important for consumers to understand their options.

1. Watch Your Budget – Too often, when people create a household budget, they forget to factor in health-related expenses, like co-pays, emergency trips to the doctor or out-of-pocket medical costs that aren’t covered by health insurance.
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2. Scrutinize Your Medical Bills – Every time you visit a hospital, clinic or healthcare provider, make sure you request a detailed, itemized statement of your bill. Upon receiving it, double-check each and every charge to make sure you’re not over-billed – “If you see something questionable, contact the provider for an explanation or a removable of that charge”

3. Negotiate With Health Care Providers – Most consumers don’t know this, but you can negotiate healthcare costs with a doctor or other healthcare specialist – especially if you do it upfront, before you actually receive medical services. The key is to agree only on a rate that is “reasonable.” also seek discounts, such reductions may be available based on your income status.