10 Good Habits for Saving Money on Gas.

Have you noticed the gas prices lately? We sure have! With summer vacations just around the corner and gas prices on the rise, we think it’s the perfect time to talk about how you can save money on gas.

Go cheap. Check your owners manual and see if your car only recommends premium grade gasoline or if it requires it. Buy the lowest grade gasoline that is acceptable for your vehicle. Studies have shown that there is no benefit to premium gasoline if your engine doesn’t require it. This alone could save you hundreds of dollars a year.

Stop “topping off” your gas tank. Not only is this a waste of money, but it’s also bad for your car. Continuing to fill the tank after the gas pump has shut off creates excess pressure on the system which could cause leaks, and it overwhelms your evaporative system (where all excessive fuel goes). So stop doing it. Afterall, why would you want to waste money and ruin your car?

Slow and steady wins the race. It’s no secret that the faster you go, the more fuel your car uses but what you may not know is that a constant speed and gradual acceleration are as important when trying to reduce gas consumption. That’s why cruise control is so effective at saving gas on long stretches of road. So relax, slow down and accelerating smoothly; drive the speed limit at a steady pace, and your gas tank will stay fuller longer.

Stop warming up your car. In the day of carbureted vehicles, warming a vehicle to operating temperature was necessary. Today, engines are fuel-injected and warming them up only wastes gas and creates pollution. Additionally, idling your car increases wear and tear on the engine because it works harder to get warm when idling as opposed to driving. So what’s the best thing to do in freezing temperatures? 10-30 seconds after starting your car (just enough time to buckle up and adjust your mirrors), begin driving lightly. This will help your engine warm sooner and with less wear and tear on your vehicle. As a bonus, it will also get the heater going quicker, warming both you and the car to optimal temperature!

Stop being idle. Because we just talked about idling the car to warm it up, we feel now is a good time to recommend that you stop idling your car altogether. Turning off your car and rolling down the windows any time you have to wait longer than a minute is a great way to save money on gas, reduce wear and tear on your vehicle and it helps us all breath a little better. Don’t worry about the gas it takes to restart your car because idling for as little as ten seconds wastes more gas than restarting the engine.

Put a lid on it. Or, at least a good gas cap. That’s because gas readily evaporates from the tank if it has a way out, make sure your gas cap has a good seal and is shut tightly. If the seal is worn, buy a new gas cap or gas cap seal.

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Remember the season. If you use snow tires in the winter, remember to remove them once the season is over. Using proper tires for the season is important because larger tires with thick tread use more fuel.

Keep your cool. Be smart about when you use your air conditioning. This one’s a little tricky because there’s no question that air conditioning is a gas guzzler and can lower your fuel economy. In fact, it can reduce it by 10-20%! You may think that merely rolling the windows down is the answer; however, wind resistance is a thing, and downed windows increase it which uses more fuel. So how to handle this problem? We recommend closing the windows and using air conditioning on highways or roads with a high-speed limit. However, in stop-and-go traffic, you’ll save more by turning off the AC and letting the wind whip through your hair.

Group errands together. This one is a no-brainer! Since the only way to save money on gas is to use less of it, preplanning and condensing many errands into one errand will always be one of most effective savings methods out there.

Carpool. If your schedule doesn’t lend itself to condensing your daily trips (for example driving to work every day), consider carpooling to split expenses. Carpooling with an even split between two people ensures a 50% savings, and that number can only go up as more people are added to the carpool. It’s a surefire way to save!

And there you have it, 10 gas saving tips that we hope you find easy to incorporate and helpful in your quest to save more and spend less.

Happy saving!