6 New Year Resolutions Worth Making

Welcome to the New Year! The time for new beginnings and fresh starts. This year, instead of making the same old, tired resolutions, we recommend starting fresh with these six resolutions worth making.

  1. Experience more. So often we get caught up in the commercialization of life. More and more things are disposable instead of lasting, and of course, we must have the newest, latest thing. This year commit to using your money on experiences instead of buying stuff. Stop eating take out and sit down at a gourmet restaurant once a month instead. Curb your impulse spending and use that saved money to take weekend trips. Remember that objects will eventually lose their luster, whether by breaking down or becoming obsolete but memories are forever.
  2. Care for yourself more. Instead of chastising yourself into change (hello before and after pics), start loving yourself right now. Give yourself daily compliments, buy yourself a massage or get a haircut that makes you feel good. Make a pact to try a new recipe once or twice a week that is packed with more nutritious, fresh food to nourish your body properly. Take a dance class, go hiking, do more active things that you enjoy. Make time to do the things you love. Spend more time with people that make you laugh. Practicing self-care will improve your self-love and naturally create the desire to make good choices for yourself. Caring for yourself is the ultimate health goal!
  3. Value your time. It’s no surprise that we spend a considerable portion of our time at work. We are often so tired from working that we don’t seem to enjoy our time off often resting or fretting in anticipation of working again. So, because work takes up so much of our time, it stands to reason that instead of giving all of that hard-earned money to other people, we should pay ourselves as well. This year resolve to save 10% of all your earned income. Set up an automatic transfer into a savings account that coincides with your pay schedule to ensure that you don’t spend it.  Valuing your time by setting up automatic savings is the ultimate investment in yourself and provides security and peace of mind.
  4. Let your money make money. If you had the option to let your saved money grow without any additional work? Would you do it? Of course, you would! Well, fortunately, you do have that option, and all you have to do is put your saved money into an interest-bearing savings account. The Federal Reserve is increasing interest rates and if your borrowing money, that’s not the most excellent news but it also means that some banks may be raising their saving account interest rates too and while 2% doesn’t sound like a lot, over time, through growing savings and compound interest, it snowballs into significance, and earning something is always going to be better than making nothing. This year don’t let complacency rob you of your hard-earned money, do some research and move your savings into an interest-bearing savings account that works for you.
  5. Practice active gratitude. Many people have heard that living in the present is the key to happiness because regret exists in the past and worry resides in the future. We say that living in the present and actively looking for things to be grateful for is a fail-proof way to find contentment and well-being in the new year. Being present and grateful doesn’t mean that your struggles will immediately get better or that your bills will magically disappear, but mindfulness of the people and things you are thankful for in your life will allow you to focus on what you have instead of what you don’t have. All it takes is a small mental shift; focusing on abundance instead of deficiencies and stresses. It can be as simple as being grateful for the hot bowl of soup in your hand and the dry roof over your head on a cold, dreary day or reframing your aggravation to affection for your noisy children, who are going to grow up way too soon. Practicing active gratitude won’t always make everything feel like puppies and rainbows, but the more you actively seek out things to be grateful for, the more satisfied you will feel in life.
  6. Serve others more. If we had to choose just one of these six resolutions as the ultimate key to happiness, this is it. Doing good for others not only benefits the people you are helping, but it also does a world of good for you and others too. Studies have shown that giving to and helping other people leads to higher self-esteem and an overall feeling of well-being. It also activates the reward response system in the brain. In fact, experts believe that performing acts of charity and kindness boost your mood and give you a more positive outlook on life in general. It is also the gift that keeps on giving because it inspires others to do good as well, reshaping the community around you to be more friendly, empathetic and giving. It helps you build a community, a sense of belonging and allows you to reconnect with humanity. It gives you a sense of purpose. Being broke doesn’t’ t have to stop you because giving doesn’t have to be money, it can be time, love and attention, whether through volunteering, doing random acts of kindness or taking care of an elderly neighbor. So, this year, resolve to give back by serving others more.

This year try focusing on what you want more of in your life instead of on what you need to be better at or do less of. These six resolutions will help you live your best life through self-care, self-investment, gratitude and reconnecting with what’s truly important in the new year. No matter what resolution you make, we here at FFEF would like to wish you a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year!